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Community Safety

The purpose of public education is to support, aid and assist with the education of the public and fire prevention activities of the Woodbridge Fire District by promoting goodwill and community spirit within the boundaries of the Woodbridge Fire district.


Our public education program consists of visiting schools in our district and conducting fire drills once a month, as well as CHANGE YOUR CLOCK, CHANGE YOUR BATTERY Program, offering public CPR classes and tours of the station. 


We kickoff Fire Prevention Week every October with our Ken Crosby Memorial Pancake Breakfast and Open House. 


Please make sure your home address is easily identified in the case of an emergency. Here are some guidelines to help: 


  • Address numbers should be visible on mailboxes or on houses 100’ off roadway


  • Address numbers should be at least a minimum of 2” high


  • Address numbers placed on a residence shall contrast with their background


  • Street address numbers should be visible from both sides

In Event of an emergency Call 9-1-1

Smoke Detectors


Change smoke detector batteries when clocks are changed to or from daylight saving time, each spring and fall.


Smoke Detectors and E.D.I.T.H:A working smoke detector cuts the risk of dying in a home fire by nearly half.  Smoke detectors should be placed on each floor of the home, located in the hallway near bedrooms. 


“Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery” Program urges Americans to adopt a lifesaving habit: 


E.D.I.T.H (Exit Drills In The Home) should be planned and practiced at least once a month to assure your family of a fire escape route.

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